Sunday, June 3, 2018

Old Pictures...Known

...and "unknown" will be next. Janis Boyles Wilson has a fantastic idea: we post photos that we can't identify, in the hopes that someone who sees the blog will help out.

Jan wanted to share these particular pictures with everybody, but tonight's post will, for me, be brief, because I have to get to sleep for a business day tomorrow in Georgia. 

However, it's fantastic to be able to see these pictures! Here they are, with ID's by Jan's mom, long ago. Feel free to comment at the bottom of the post if you wish. Here's the chart again to help you sort everybody out.
Clarence Edd Thead
George Lee "Shug" Thead
Mattie Thead Bradley
Mattie and Belva Thead
Billy and Mary Edna Thead

Unknown Thead...can you figure it out?


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